How to Reduce PDF File Size in iPhone

How to Reduce PDF File Size in iPhone


If you have ever tried to share a large PDF file on your iPhone, you may have faced difficulties due to the file size. But don’t worry, in this blog, we will provide you with a simple solution to reduce your PDF file size without the need for any third-party applications.

Sharing large PDF files can be a challenge, especially when it comes to email or messaging apps that have file size limits. The larger the file, the longer it takes to upload and download, consuming valuable time and data.

The solution we will discuss in this blog involves reducing the size of your PDF file using a compression method. By compressing the file, you can significantly decrease its size while still maintaining its quality and readability.

The best part? You don’t need to download any additional apps or software. All you need is access to a browser on your iPhone and a reliable website that offers PDF file compression.

In this blog, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of reducing your PDF file size on iPhone. Our goal is to provide clear instructions and make the process as simple as possible for you to follow along.

Step 1: Open a Browser and Search for PDF File Reducer

If you have a large PDF file on your iPhone and need to reduce its size, follow these quick steps to achieve your goal without the need for any third-party applications.

The first step is to open a browser on your iPhone. This will allow you to access the internet and search for a PDF file reducer.

Using a browser on your iPhone is essential as it provides the necessary tools to browse the internet and find the right website for reducing your PDF file size.

Once you have the browser open, type in the search term “PDF file reducer”. This will bring up various websites that offer PDF file compression services.

There are numerous websites available that can help you reduce the size of your PDF files. These websites offer user-friendly interfaces and efficient compression options to ensure optimal results.

In this tutorial, we suggest using the Adobe website for reducing your PDF file size. Adobe is a trusted and reliable source for handling PDF files, and their website provides a seamless experience for compressing your files.

By using the Adobe website, you can easily upload your PDF file, select the compression level, and compress the file without any hassle.

So, open a browser on your iPhone, search for a PDF file reducer, and consider using the Adobe website for a user-friendly compression process.

Step 2: Upload the PDF File

Now that you have opened a browser on your iPhone and searched for a PDF file reducer, it’s time to upload your PDF file and begin the compression process.

On the Adobe website, you will find a button labeled “Select a file”. Tap on this button to open your file browser and select the PDF file you want to reduce in size.

It is important to select the correct PDF file to ensure that you are compressing the right document. Take a moment to double-check the file name and content before proceeding.

After you have selected the PDF file, the upload process will begin automatically. Depending on the size of your file and your internet connection speed, this process may take a few moments.

While the PDF file is being uploaded, you will see a progress indicator on the screen. Be patient and allow the website to complete the upload before proceeding to the next step.

Once the upload is complete, you will be presented with options for compression levels. In order to achieve the best compression, select the “High” option.

By choosing the “High” compression level, you can significantly reduce the size of your PDF file without compromising its quality or readability.

Once you have selected the compression level, simply tap on the “Compress” button and allow the website to work its magic. The compression process may take some time, depending on the size of your PDF file.

Rest assured, the process is simple and straightforward. You don’t need to worry about complex settings or configurations. Just tap a few buttons and let the website handle the rest.

Once the compression is complete, you will see the reduced size of your PDF file displayed on the screen. Congratulations! You have successfully reduced the size of your PDF file.

Finally, tap on the “Download” button to save the compressed PDF file to your iPhone. The downloaded file will be stored in your Files app, making it easily accessible for sharing or storage purposes.

That’s it! Uploading and compressing a PDF file on your iPhone is as simple as following these steps. With just a few taps, you can significantly reduce the file size and make it easier to share or store.

Step 3: Choose the Compression Level

To further optimize the compression of your PDF file, it is important to choose the right compression level. Follow the steps below to select the appropriate compression level:

  1. Once your PDF file is uploaded on the Adobe website, you will be presented with options for compression levels.
  2. Tap on the “Select compression level” option.
  3. You will see a list of available compression levels, such as Low, Medium, and High.

Each compression level has a different impact on the file size. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect:

  • Low: Selecting the Low compression level will result in a smaller reduction in file size. This option is suitable if you want to maintain a higher quality for your PDF, but keep in mind that the reduction in file size may not be significant.
  • Medium: Choosing the Medium compression level strikes a balance between file size reduction and quality. This option is recommended if you want to achieve a moderate reduction in file size while still maintaining good readability.
  • High: The High compression level offers the most significant reduction in file size. This option is recommended for optimal compression, especially if you prioritize smaller file sizes over the highest quality. Despite the higher compression, the readability of your PDF file will still remain intact.

For most users, we recommend selecting the “High” compression level for optimal results. By choosing this option, you can achieve a significant reduction in file size while preserving the readability and quality of your PDF file.

Reducing the file size is beneficial for various reasons:

  • Easier Sharing: Compressing your PDF file makes it easier to share via email or messaging apps, as it reduces the upload and download time.
  • Save Storage Space: Smaller file sizes take up less space on your iPhone, allowing you to store more files without worrying about limited storage capacity.
  • Faster Load Times: If you frequently access your PDF files on your iPhone, compressing them can improve load times, ensuring a smoother reading experience.
  • Reduced Data Usage: Uploading and downloading smaller PDF files consumes less data, making it more cost-effective, especially if you have limited mobile data.

By following these steps and selecting the “High” compression level, you can optimize your PDF file for easier sharing, storage, and faster access on your iPhone.

Step 4: Compress the PDF File

To reduce the size of your PDF file, follow these simple steps:

  1. Tap on the ‘Compress’ button once your PDF file is uploaded on the Adobe website.
  2. Be aware that the compression process may take some time. The duration depends on the size of your PDF file and your internet connection speed.
  3. While the compression is in progress, be patient and allow the website to complete the process. Avoid refreshing the page or exiting the browser.

Compressing a PDF file requires time and resources to ensure optimal results. The website is working hard to reduce the file size without compromising its quality and readability.

During the compression process, you may experience slight delays or temporary lag. This is normal, so it’s important to remain patient and avoid interrupting the process.

Remember, the website is handling the compression for you, so there’s no need to worry about complex settings or configurations. Simply tap the ‘Compress’ button and let the website do its job.

Once the compression is complete, you will see the reduced size of your PDF file displayed on the screen. Congratulations on successfully compressing your PDF file!

Now, tap on the ‘Download’ button to save the compressed PDF file to your iPhone. The file will be stored in your Files app, making it easily accessible for sharing or storage purposes.

By following these steps and being patient during the compression, you can effectively reduce the size of your PDF file without the need for third-party applications. Enjoy easier sharing and storage of your PDF files on your iPhone!

Step 5: Download the Compressed PDF File

To download the compressed PDF file to your iPhone, follow these simple steps:

  1. Once the compression process is complete, you will see the reduced size of your PDF file displayed on the screen. Congratulations on successfully reducing the file size!
  2. Next, tap on the ‘Download’ button to save the compressed PDF file to your iPhone.
  3. The downloaded file will be stored in your Files app, making it easily accessible for sharing or storage purposes.

By tapping on the ‘Download’ button, you can quickly and effortlessly save the compressed PDF file to your iPhone for future use.

Having the compressed PDF file in your Files app provides easy accessibility, allowing you to share the file via email, messaging apps, or any other platform that supports file sharing.

Furthermore, the compressed PDF file retains its quality and readability, even after the reduction in file size. You can rest assured that your document will still look great while taking up less space on your device.

Reducing the file size offers several benefits:

  • Easier Sharing: With a smaller file size, sharing the PDF file becomes easier, especially when it comes to email or messaging apps that have file size limits.
  • Storage Efficiency: Compressed PDF files take up less space on your iPhone, allowing you to store more files without worrying about limited storage capacity.
  • Improved Accessibility: Storing the compressed PDF file in your Files app ensures easy access whenever you need it, whether for work, school, or personal use.
  • Faster Upload and Download: The reduced file size not only makes sharing easier but also speeds up the upload and download process, saving you valuable time and data.

By following these steps and downloading the compressed PDF file, you can enjoy the benefits of a smaller file size without sacrificing the quality or accessibility of your document.

So go ahead, tap on the ‘Download’ button and experience the satisfaction of successfully reducing your PDF file size on your iPhone!


Reducing the size of your PDF file on your iPhone is a simple and straightforward process. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this blog, you can easily optimize your PDF files for easy sharing and storage.

We have highlighted the simplicity of the steps involved, ensuring that you don’t need to rely on any third-party applications. All you need is access to a browser on your iPhone and a reliable website, such as the Adobe website, for PDF file compression.

We encourage you to follow the instructions provided in this blog to reduce your PDF file size. By doing so, you can save valuable time and data when uploading and downloading large PDF files.

We would like to express our gratitude for choosing our ‘5 Minute Solution’ videos and for considering our instructions for reducing PDF file size on your iPhone. If you found this blog helpful, we invite you to subscribe to our channel for more useful content.

In the future, we promise to provide more helpful solutions in our ‘5 Minute Solution’ videos. Our goal is to simplify complex tasks and provide you with easy-to-follow instructions.

Thank you again for your support, and we look forward to helping you with more solutions in the future!


Can I reduce the PDF file size without using a website?

Yes, there are other methods available to reduce the PDF file size without using a website. However, using a website like the Adobe website offers a user-friendly interface and efficient compression options, making the process easier and more convenient.

Is the Adobe website the only option for reducing PDF file size on iPhone?

No, the Adobe website is not the only option for reducing PDF file size on iPhone. There are other websites and applications available that offer PDF file compression services. However, the Adobe website is recommended due to its trusted reputation and seamless compression process.

Will reducing the PDF file size affect the quality of the document?

Reducing the PDF file size may affect the quality of the document to some extent. However, by choosing the “High” compression level, you can significantly reduce the file size while still maintaining good readability and quality.

Can I undo the compression and restore the original file size?

No, once the compression process is complete, it is not possible to undo the compression and restore the original file size. Therefore, it is recommended to make a backup of the original PDF file before compressing it.

What if I face difficulties during the process?

If you face difficulties during the process of reducing the PDF file size, you can try the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Check your internet connection: Ensure that you have a stable internet connection to upload and compress the PDF file.
  • Clear browser cache: Clearing the cache of your browser can help resolve any temporary issues that may be causing difficulties.
  • Try a different browser: If one browser is not working properly, try using a different browser to access the website for compressing the PDF file.
  • Reach out for support: If the difficulties persist, consider reaching out to the support team of the website or application you are using for compression assistance.




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