How to Combine and Merge PDF Files Online

Combine and Merge PDF

In this guide, we will be combining multiple PDF files. You can have more or fewer files depending on your needs.

The process of combining PDFs can be done online. However, we will tell you the steps using Google Chrome as our preferred web browser. Keep in mind that you can use any browser of your choice.

Personally, we will be using Google Chrome, but any browser will work. Open up your preferred browser and go to a search engine like Google.

Combine and Merge PDF Files

Finding a Tool to Combine PDFs

If you’re looking to combine and merge PDF files, there are various tools and websites available that can help you accomplish this task. One way to find a tool is by using a search engine like Google.

For example, you can search for “combine PDF” and you will find many options to choose from. In this guide, we will be using as our preferred tool. offers a user-friendly interface and allows you to select up to 20 PDF files to combine. This is particularly useful if you have a large number of PDFs that need to be merged.

To get started, open your preferred web browser and go to a search engine. Search for “combine PDF” and click on the link to

Combine and Merge PDF Files

Uploading and Selecting PDF Files

To upload and select PDF files, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the ‘upload files’ button on the website.
  2. Your file explorer will open, allowing you to locate the PDF files on your desktop.
  3. Select multiple files at once by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on each file.
  4. If you want to upload more files, you can click on the ‘upload files’ button again.

Once you have selected the files, make sure they are in the correct order by dragging and rearranging them. You can easily change the order by hovering your cursor over a file, clicking and holding the left mouse button, and then dragging it to the desired position.

Arranging the Order of PDF Pages

When combining and merging PDF files, it’s important to arrange the pages in the correct order. Here’s how you can easily change the order of pages:

  • Hover over a page: To activate the cursor with arrows, hover your mouse over a page in the combined PDF document.
  • Drag and drop pages: Click and hold the left mouse button while hovering over a page, and then drag it to the desired position. You can rearrange the pages by dragging and dropping them.

Everyone has their own personal preference for the order of the pages, but it’s important to ensure that the pages are in the correct sequence. Here’s why:

  • Logical flow: The order of the pages should follow a logical flow, especially if the PDF contains information that needs to be read in a specific order. For example, if you’re combining chapters of a book, it’s crucial to arrange them in the correct order to maintain the continuity of the content.
  • Coherence: When presenting information or data, arranging the pages in a coherent order helps the reader understand the content better. It allows for a smooth transition between sections and prevents confusion.
  • Readability: A well-organized PDF with pages arranged in the correct order enhances readability. It makes it easier for the reader to navigate through the document and find relevant information quickly.

By taking the time to arrange the pages in the correct order, you can ensure that the combined PDF document is coherent, logical, and easy to read. So, whether you’re combining multiple PDF files for personal or professional use, make sure to double-check the order of the pages before finalizing the process.

Combining and Downloading the PDF

Now that you have uploaded and arranged your PDF files, it’s time to combine them and download the final document. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Combine” button at the bottom of the page.
  2. Wait for a moment while the website merges the PDFs.
  3. Once the process is complete, the combined PDF file will be automatically downloaded to your device.

You can find the downloaded file in your file explorer, specifically in the downloads folder. Simply double-click on the file to open it and verify that the PDFs have been successfully combined.

If you’re unable to locate the downloaded file, you can try the following method:

  1. Open your file explorer.
  2. Navigate to the downloads folder.
  3. Look for a file named “combine PDF” or a similar name.

Once you locate the file, double-click on it to open and confirm that the PDFs have been successfully combined.

Congratulations! You have successfully combined and downloaded your PDF files. Now you have a single, unified document that includes all the pages from the original files.

Reviewing the Combined PDF

Now that you have successfully combined and merged your PDF files, let’s review the process and the final result.

Now, let’s open the combined PDF file and verify the results. Double-click on the downloaded file to open it. As you scroll down, you will see the pages of the combined PDF in the correct order: page one, page two, and page three.

Before these combined pages, you will notice the presence of individual PDFs. This indicates that the combining process was successful, and the original files have been merged into a single document.

Overall, the process of combining and merging PDF files using was quick and easy. The user-friendly interface and straightforward steps make it accessible to anyone, whether for personal or professional use.


In conclusion, combining and merging PDF files can be a simple and efficient process. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can quickly and easily combine multiple PDFs into a single, unified document.

We started by searching for a tool to combine PDFs, and we found to be an excellent choice. With its user-friendly interface and the ability to select up to 20 PDF files, this tool offers convenience and flexibility.

After uploading and selecting the PDF files, we emphasized the importance of arranging the pages in the correct order. This ensures a logical flow, coherence, and enhanced readability in the final document.

Once the files were arranged, we clicked on the “Combine” button and waited for the website to merge the PDFs. The combined file was automatically downloaded to our device, and we could easily locate it in the downloads folder.

We hope you found this guide useful in simplifying your PDF management tasks. If you enjoyed this content, we encourage you to show your support by sharing this post with your friends who work with PDFs. Your feedback and engagement inspire us to create more helpful guides like this.


Can I combine more than 20 PDF files?

No, allows you to select up to 20 PDF files to combine. If you have more than 20 files, you will need to combine them in multiple batches.

Are there alternative tools to

Yes, there are various tools and websites available that allow you to combine and merge PDF files. Some popular alternatives include Smallpdf, PDF Merge etc

Can I rearrange the pages after combining?

Yes, after selecting the files to combine, you can easily rearrange the pages. Simply hover over a page, click and hold the left mouse button, and then drag it to the desired position.

How can I locate the downloaded file on a different browser?

If you are using a different browser and are unable to locate the downloaded file, you can try the following steps:

Open your file explorer.
Navigate to the downloads folder.
Look for a file named “combine PDF” or a similar name.

Is there a limit to the file size for combining?

While does not specify a file size limit, it is recommended to keep the file sizes within a reasonable range for optimal performance. Large files may take longer to combine and download.


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