Sign PDF with Certificate-Based Digital Signature in Adobe Acrobat

Sign PDF with Certificate-Based Digital Signature in Adobe Acrobat


Signing a PDF document with a certificate-based digital signature in Adobe Acrobat DC is a crucial aspect of ensuring document security and integrity. In this guide, we will discuss the importance of obtaining a digital ID and the benefits of using it in Adobe Acrobat. Additionally, we will outline the steps involved in adding or creating a digital ID and emphasize the significance of digital signatures in certifying or signing PDF documents.

Digital signatures play a crucial role in certifying or signing PDF documents. They provide assurance that the document has not been tampered with and guarantee the authenticity of the signer. By digitally signing a PDF using a digital ID, the document becomes read-only for everyone, including the signer, ensuring its integrity.

Obtaining a Digital ID

To sign a PDF document with a certificate-based digital signature in Adobe Acrobat DC, it is crucial to obtain a digital ID. A digital ID contains important information such as your name, email address, organization name, and a unique serial number. In this section, we will guide you on how to obtain a digital ID in Adobe Acrobat DC.

Download and install Adobe Acrobat DC

The first step in obtaining a digital ID is to download and install Adobe Acrobat DC from the official website. You can find the software on the Adobe website and follow the instructions to download and install it on your computer.

Purpose and Contents of a Digital ID

A digital ID serves the purpose of certifying documents or adding digital signatures to them in Adobe Acrobat. It ensures the authenticity and integrity of the signed PDF documents. A digital ID contains vital information about the signer, including their name, email address, organization name, and a unique serial number.

Adding or Creating a Digital ID in Adobe Acrobat

To add or create a digital ID in Adobe Acrobat, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Edit” menu and select “Preferences”.
  2. In the preferences menu, click on “Signatures” and then “More” for “Identities & Trusted Certificates”.
  3. On the left side, select “Digital IDs” and click on the “Add ID” button.

Adding a Pre-existing Digital ID File

If you already have a digital ID from your organization, you can choose to add the digital ID file. This option allows you to use your existing digital ID for signing PDF documents in Adobe Acrobat.

Creating a New Self-signed Digital ID

If you don’t have a pre-existing digital ID, you can create a new self-signed digital ID. Follow these steps:

  1. Enter your name, department, organization name, and email address.
  2. Create a password to protect your digital ID file. This password will be required to sign PDF documents using this digital ID in the future.

By following these steps, you can successfully obtain a digital ID in Adobe Acrobat DC. Digital IDs play a crucial role in certifying or signing PDF documents, ensuring their authenticity and integrity. With a digital ID, you can confidently sign PDF documents and protect them from tampering.

Customizing the Appearance of Your Digital Signature

Having a digital image of your signature is important when it comes to signing a PDF document with a certificate-based digital signature in Adobe Acrobat DC. By customizing the appearance of your digital signature, you can add a personal touch to your signed documents and make them more recognizable. In this section, we will guide you through the process of creating an image file of your signature and customizing its appearance in Adobe Acrobat DC.

Creating an Image File of Your Signature

To create an image file of your signature, follow these steps:

  1. Open a PDF document in Adobe Acrobat.
  2. Click on the “Sign” icon and then click “Add Signature”.
  3. Draw your signature using the mouse pointer.
  4. Place the signature in the blank space and take a screenshot of it.
  5. Save the signature as a JPEG or PNG file.

Once you have created an image file of your signature, you need to convert it to PDF format as Adobe Acrobat only supports PDF files for digital signatures.

Customizing the Appearance of Your Digital Signature

To customize the appearance of your digital signature, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Creation and Appearance” tab.
  2. Create a new appearance by giving it a title to identify it later.
  3. Import the image file of your signature that you previously created.
  4. Choose the information you want to include in your signature to help others verify it. This can include your name, date, location, and additional details like your email address, organization name, or department.

By following these steps, you can create a personalized and identifiable digital signature in Adobe Acrobat DC. This customized appearance will be used when you digitally sign any PDF document using your digital ID.

Signing a PDF Document

Signing a PDF document is an important step in ensuring its security and integrity. Adobe Acrobat DC provides a straightforward process for digitally signing a PDF using a certificate-based digital signature. In this section, we will guide you through the steps of signing a PDF document and highlight the key considerations.

Opening a PDF Document in Adobe Acrobat

The first step is to open the PDF document that you want to sign in Adobe Acrobat. To do this, launch Adobe Acrobat DC and click on the “File” menu. Then, select “Open” and choose the desired PDF file from your computer. The PDF document will open in the Adobe Acrobat workspace, ready for you to sign.

Digitally Signing a PDF Using a Digital ID

Once the PDF document is open, follow these steps to digitally sign it using a digital ID:

  1. Click on the “Tools” menu and select “Certificates.”
  2. In the Certificates pane, click on the “Digitally Sign” option.
  3. Use your mouse to draw the signature area in the PDF document. This is where your digital signature will appear.
  4. Next, select the appropriate digital ID from the options available. If you have multiple digital IDs, choose the one that you want to use for this particular document.
  5. Customize the appearance of your signature by selecting the appearance that you created earlier. This can include additional information such as your name, date, and organization.

Locking the Document After Signing

After you have drawn your signature area and selected the digital ID and appearance, it is essential to lock the document to prevent any further changes. To do this, click on the “Lock Document” button. This will ensure that the PDF remains read-only for everyone, including the signer.

It is important to note that once a PDF document is signed using a digital ID, it becomes read-only to maintain its integrity. Therefore, it is always recommended to save the original unsigned copy of the document before signing.

By following these steps, you can confidently sign PDF documents using Adobe Acrobat DC. Digital signatures provide assurance of document authenticity and integrity, ensuring that your signed PDFs remain secure and tamper-proof.

Recommendations and Precautions

When signing a PDF document with a certificate-based digital signature in Adobe Acrobat DC, there are some important recommendations and precautions to keep in mind to ensure the security and integrity of your documents.

Save the Original Unsigned Copy

Before digitally signing a PDF document, it is crucial to save the original unsigned copy of the document. This allows you to have a reference of the document before any changes or modifications were made.

Read-Only Nature of a Digitally Signed PDF

It is important to understand that once a PDF document is signed using a digital ID, it becomes read-only for everyone, including the signer. This ensures that the integrity of the document is maintained and that it cannot be tampered with.

Password Protection for the Digital ID

To enhance the security of your digital ID, it is highly recommended to set a strong password. This password will be required to sign PDF documents using the digital ID in the future, so choose a password that is unique and not easily guessable.

Regular Backups of Digital ID Files

It is essential to regularly backup your digital ID files. Losing or corrupting your digital ID files can result in the loss of access to your signed documents. By having regular backups, you can ensure that you always have a copy of your digital ID files in case of any unforeseen circumstances.


Signing a PDF document with a certificate-based digital signature in Adobe Acrobat DC is a straightforward process that requires obtaining a digital ID and following a few simple steps. By summarizing the process and reiterating the benefits of using a digital ID and digital signatures, we can understand the importance of document security and integrity.

To sign a document, it is crucial to obtain a digital ID that contains important information about the signer. In Adobe Acrobat, digital IDs certify documents and ensure their authenticity and integrity.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can add or create a digital ID in Adobe Acrobat and customize the appearance of your digital signature.

Thank you for reading this guide and learning how to sign a PDF document with a certificate-based digital signature in Adobe Acrobat DC. We hope this guide has been helpful, and we look forward to sharing more instructional guides in the future. Take care and happy signing!


Can I use a digital ID from my organization?

Yes, if you already have a digital ID from your organization, you can use it to sign PDF documents in Adobe Acrobat DC. Simply add the digital ID file to your Adobe Acrobat preferences and select it when signing a document.

What file formats does Adobe Acrobat DC support for signature images?

Adobe Acrobat DC supports JPEG and PNG file formats for signature images. If you have an image file of your signature in a different format, you can convert it to either JPEG or PNG before importing it into Adobe Acrobat DC.

How do I lock a digitally signed PDF document?

To lock a digitally signed PDF document and prevent any further changes, click on the “Lock Document” button after signing. This will ensure that the PDF remains read-only for everyone, including the signer.

What happens if I forget the password for my digital ID?

If you forget the password for your digital ID, you will not be able to sign PDF documents using that digital ID. It is important to remember or securely store your password to ensure continued access to your signed documents.

Is it possible to remove a digital signature from a PDF document?

No, once a PDF document is digitally signed using a digital ID, the signature becomes a permanent part of the document. It is not possible to remove a digital signature from a PDF document. However, you can add additional signatures or certifications to the document if needed.


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